Hello, I’m Sian!

Intuitive Parenting Academy Is the place to hone your natural intuition through educational content.

Our website is constantly growing, so if you stumble upon any sections that are currently empty, rest assured that we are working tirelessly to fill them with valuable content. Think of these empty sections as a sneak peek into the exciting topics we’ll be exploring in the future.

We’ll delve into everything from the basics of infant care to different feeding approaches (including breastfeeding and formula feeding), soothing techniques, developmental milestones, playtime ideas, sleep strategies, and even the dreaded challenges of colic and reflux. But that’s not all! We’ll also provide evidence-based research on maternal mental health and offer various resources to support your journey into motherhood. And hey, while we’re at it, we’ll even guide you through the world of shopping and building your baby registry. Get ready for an informative and enjoyable adventure!

About Me

Living in the stunning landscapes of South Africa, I am a former Children’s Court attorney and a mother of two – almost three! Despite my professional qualifications, I was unprepared for motherhood. Seeking advice led to conflicting information and strong opinions, leaving me overwhelmed. Determined to make well-informed decisions, I embarked on a journey of discovery and empowerment in the world of motherhood.

Intuitive Parenting Academy is my way of supporting young mothers by providing a secure space filled with reliable knowledge and a community that embraces the modern era. Welcome

Hi, I’m Sian

I understand how overwhelming it can be for new mothers to navigate through conflicting parenting advice. You are not alone in this journey. As a mother myself, I have experienced the weight of making choices for my child’s well-being. That’s why I started this blog – to provide you with research-backed information that cuts through the noise and offers clarity and support.

Whether you’re deciding between breastfeeding or formula feeding, exploring different sleep training methods, or facing any other decisions that come with nurturing a young life, I’m here to discuss the pros and cons of each option. Together, we will gather the knowledge you need to make choices that suit your family’s needs and create a nurturing and joyful environment for your little one. Join me in leaving behind confusion and embracing informed and confident parenting. Let’s embark on this adventure and find the best path for you and your family, hand in hand.

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Valuable insights on infant care, maternal mental health and resources for motherhood delivered straight to your inbox.

About Sian

Feeling swamped with all the different parenting tips out there? You’re not alone! I’m a mom too, and I get how stressful it can be to try and do the right thing for your baby. That’s why I started this blog. I want to give you clear, well-researched advice so you can make choices you feel good about.

“Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a Mother”

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